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How to make Dandelion Infused Oil

Dandelion Infused Oil 

  • Pick the flower heads
  • Rinse in a stainer under cold water
  • Soak flowers for 10 minutes in a bowl with water and a bit of vinegar
  • Drain the water in a strainer
  • Place the flowers on a paper towel and pat dry
  • Place the flowers on a dry paper towel with the flower down for 24 – 48 hours
  • Sterilize a jar, and fill it 3/4 full of dried flowers
  • Add oil to the neck of the jar, making sure the flowers are below the oil
  • Put the jar in a paper bag or cover the jar in burlap so that the sun does not shine into the oil
  • Place the jar in a sunny window 
  • Stir your infusion every day for the first week and continue to make sure the flowers are below the oil
  • Stir your infusion occasionally after the first week
  • Allow 3 weeks  for the Dandelion Solar Infused Oil to be ready
  • Drain the oil through a cheesecloth and squeeze out as much oil as possible
  • Store in a cool, dark place
  • The shelf life is determined by the type of oil you use
  • Olive oil, Jojoba Oil, Fractionated coconut oil and Sunflower oil has the longest shelf life

There have been numerous studies of the benefits of Dandelion Infused Oil for pain, inflammation and soothing dry skin conditions.

Infused oil is an amazing addition, as an alternative to a basic oil, in creams, lotions, body butter, lip balms and salves.  Dandelion Infused Oil offers a beautiful yellow natural colour and smells so beautiful.

